Our publications:
Our publications throughout the years cover a wide range of research topics including but not limited to:
- Sleep Deprivation (Performance + tDCS)
- Transcutaneous Direct Current Stimulation
- Underwater Signal Acquisition
- Multimodal Device Development
- Emotion detection (EDA)
- EMG Intervention Analysis
- Epilepsy Detection (EEG tr/ CNN)
- Pain Detection (EDA, ECG)
- Equine ECG Analysis
- IBS Belt Monitor
- ADHD/ASD Detection (ERG)
- Nurses Trust in AI Healthcare
- Phantom Pain Modeling
- MRI Stroke Detection
- Eating Disorder Classification
- Electrode Development
Journals Published:
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory Integrative and Comparative
Frontiers in Physiology
PloS one
Physiological Measurement
IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine
Frontiers in Neuroscience
Behavioral Sciences
Human Factors
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
Social Sciences
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence
Sensors and Actuators