UCONN Science Engineering Building


  • PQL @ EMBC 2024 in Orlando
    Several lab members made their way to Orlando last week for the biggest conference of the year; IEEE Engineering and Medicine Conference (EMBC) in Orlando, Florida, USA. The lab shared various projects including: [High-Resolution Time-Frequency Analysis of EEG Signals for Affective Computing] Yedukondala Rao Veeranki, Hugo F Posada-Quintero [Analyzing Emotional Dynamics: Transition Network Insights from Electrodermal […]
    Posted on July 25, 2024
  • Posada Q Lab in Eindhoven for MeMeA 2024
    The lab made a showing at the IEEE Medical Measurements & Applications conference in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, presenting work from various lab members including: [Autoencoder based Nonlinear feature extraction from EDA signals for Emotion Recognition] Yedukondala Rao Veeranki, Luis R. Mercado-Diaz and Hugo Posada-Quintero [Electrodermal Activity on the Torso: Identification of Locations for Wearable Belt […]
    Posted on June 30, 2024
  • Subjects for Sleep Deprivation Study Wanted!
    We are actively recruiting participants for a study seeking to evaluate the effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation for recovering cognitive performance after sleep deprivation. It has been proven that the application of a weak electrical current to an area of the brain can safely be used as a fatigue countermeasure to mitigate decrements in […]
    Posted on May 28, 2024

Posada Q Lab at a Glance

Applied Physiological Signal Processing

1 Principal Investigator

1 Post Doctoral Fellow

5 PhD Students

4 Undergraduate Research Assistants

7 Grants & Awards



Awarded to Date

Lab Mission Statement:

Exploring the multimodal use of physiological signals to monitor, detect, and understand diseases, disorders, and emotions for the improvement of human health and well being. 

Summary of lab layout


Grants Awarded

Our lab has received grants from a wide range of organizations and foundations


Sensors Journal Logo

Relevant Publications

Publications in various journals including



Sample EDA plot

Areas of Interest

Biological Signal Processing, Sleep Deprivation, Machine Learning, Device Development, and more

Research Areas