Author: Posada-Q-Lab

PQL @ EMBC 2024 in Orlando

Several lab members made their way to Orlando last week for the biggest conference of the year; IEEE Engineering and Medicine Conference (EMBC) in Orlando, Florida, USA. The lab shared various projects including:

[High-Resolution Time-Frequency Analysis of EEG Signals for Affective Computing]
Yedukondala Rao Veeranki, Hugo F Posada-Quintero

[Analyzing Emotional Dynamics: Transition Network Insights from Electrodermal Activity]
Yedukondala Rao Veeranki, Ramakrishnan Swaminathan, Hugo F Posada-Quintero

[Epileptic State Prediction Using Phase Space Domain and Machine Learning Algorithms]
Boluwatife Faremi, Yedukondala Rao Veeranki, Hugo F Posada-Quintero

[Identifying Optimal Electrodermal Activity Locations in the Torso for Wearable Belt Monitors: Preliminary Results]
Riley McNaboe, Hugo F Posada-Quintero

Lab members at EMBC
PQL and BSPL members

Posada Q Lab in Eindhoven for MeMeA 2024

The lab made a showing at the IEEE Medical Measurements & Applications conference in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, presenting work from various lab members including:

[Autoencoder based Nonlinear feature extraction from EDA signals for Emotion Recognition]
Yedukondala Rao Veeranki, Luis R. Mercado-Diaz and Hugo Posada-Quintero

[Electrodermal Activity on the Torso: Identification of Locations for Wearable Belt Monitors]
Riley McNaboe and Hugo Posada-Quintero


Collaborating students from Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia, also presented:

[Design of a Smartphone-based clinical Electroretinogram recording system]
Nicolas Cordoba, Samuel Daza, Paul Constable, Hugo Posada-Quintero

Subjects for Sleep Deprivation Study Wanted!

We are actively recruiting participants for a study seeking to evaluate the effectiveness of transcranial direct current stimulation for recovering cognitive performance after sleep deprivation.

It has been proven that the application of a weak electrical current to an area of the brain can safely be used as a fatigue countermeasure to mitigate decrements in vigilance and enhance cognitive performance in various research settings. The purpose of this study is to simultaneously collect biological signals and cognitive function metrics over a 25hr period of sleep deprivation from subjects that have received brain stimulation to fully understand how it can act as a fatigue counter measure. Check out our Daily Digest announcement for more detail!